



联 系 人 :许志生


泉州展益模具有限公司是佳益模具应发展壮大的需求,投资兴建的升级版公司。自1979年在台湾创建以来,拥有三十多年的生产经验,采取科学高效的管理,具备极强的模具开发及生产能力,是一家设备齐全先进,集研发设计、制造生产于一体的专业化模具制造商。专业生产高质量的射出EVA鞋模及模型模具(EVA、PVC、RB、PU、TPU、TPR、TR),处于业内领先地位。公司拥有与世界先进国家齐步的新整体作业设备,配合台湾强模具制造技术,专业生产高质量的射出EVA各类模具和各类材质的鞋模。全面一条龙的加工操作系统为海内外客商提供高效、精确、优质的模具研发及制造,成为中国鞋模行业的企业。质量可靠、价格合理、交货及时,深受广大客户支持与信赖,我们的模具产品覆盖全国各地,并远销日本、韩国、俄罗斯、印度、巴基斯坦、伊朗、伊拉克、叙利亚、马来西亚、巴西、埃及、土耳其、美国及非洲各国等世界各地。配合诸多知名品牌,在同行业中有着卓越的信誉。公司拥有一支专业技术队伍,提供海内外之售后服务。“创新、质量、诚信、服务”的企业精神鞭策着展益人励精图治,不断开拓。展益模具愿与您携手共进、共创未来。Quanzhou Zhanyi Mold Co., Ltd. is a specialized and fully-equipped mold manufacturer which concentrates on R&D, design and production.It is an upgrade factory based and invested by Taiwan Jiayi Mold.The company has more than 30 years’ experience in producing EVA、PVC、RB、PU、TPU、TPR、TR shoes molds and model molds since 1979 Taiwan. By taking scientific and efficient management, it achieves strong exploiture and throughput. The company has the latest facilities of the world advanced level and is well guided by Taiwan professional mold making technology. Complete processing system provides local and foreign customers with high quality, precise and efficient mold development and production. It is becoming one of the leaders in this field in China. For best quality, reasonable price and timely delivery, the company has been spoken highly in shoe industry circles. The molds are well accepted by numerous customers. Basing on the good credits, the molds are sold to not only in China, but also Japan, Korea, Russia, India, Pakistan, Iran, Iraq, Syria, Malaysia, Brazil, Egypt, Turkey, USA and all of Africa etc. And serve for many famous brands. Meanwhile, the company also has a service team. Excellent credit standing has been established by the bridle-wise service team. Welcome to contact us!

泉州展益模具有限公司 所提供的公司介绍、产品信息等相关信息均有泉州展益模具有限公司自行负责,商品内容真实性、准确性、合法性由泉州展益模具有限公司完全承担,全天候商务网对此不承担任何保证责任。